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Our Flour Analysis Devices include
BASTAK Roller Mill 4500
It is used to determine the quality of the wheat which will be used for flour production.
You can get very similar flour like a factory flour. It is used for both dampened and
undampened wheat grinding. It is the mixture laboratory mill that enables making necessary
modifications and amendments by predetermining the values of the flour to be ground in the
BASTAK Roller Mill 4000
It is a laboratory type roller mill and used for both dampened and un dampened wheat
grinding. After grinding, flour and bran are taken out from two separate containers, so
mixing of them is avoided. It is the mixture laboratory mill that enables making necessary modifications and amendments by predetermining the values of the flour to be ground
in the factory.
BASTAK hammer mill 1900 not smart
BASTAK Hammer Mill 1900
Used to prepare the sample for the Gluten Analysis, Falling Number Analysis and NIR
analysis. For setting of grinding use air flow rate on it.
BASTAK Hammer Mill 1900 Smart
Used to prepare the sample for the Gluten Analysis, Falling Number Analysis and NIR
analysis. For setting of grinding use air flow rate on it.
BASTAK Dry Gluten
The dry gluten apparatus is used in finding the final and net dry gluten values of the
samples of flour and wheat.
Especially, the values of the dry gluten may be different although the wet gluten values
of variouswheat and flours having different water absorption are same.
Bastak Gluten Washer-6100
BASTAK Gluten Washer 6100
Bastak brand, 6100 model Gluten Washing Device, Glutomatic System. It is used to determine the amount of wet gluten in wheat and flour samples by separating it. The device is fully automatic. After the samples are placed, all operations are performed automatically.
BASTAK Gluten Washer 6000
It is used to determine the amount of wet gluten in wheat and flour samples by
extracting wet gluten.
BASTAK Ashen Furnace Washer 12000 Muffled Furnace
Used for determining ash amount in the samples of flour and wheat at the flour factories.
The device is used in the tests intended for burning at high temperature in the industries
other than flour industry.
BASTAK Enzyme Meter 5000
Bastak brand, 5000 model. The device automatically measures enzyme activity in flours and wheats. Both natural and total alpha amylase enzymes can be measured with the FN and FFN measurement modes in the device. The FN measurement mode is used to detect natural alpha amylase enzymes. The FFN measurement mode is used to detect total (microbiological + natural) alpha amylase enzymes.
BASTAK Enzyme Meter 5100
FN (FALLING NUMBER) measuring mode is used for determination of natural alpha-amylase
enzymes. Enzyme activity is automatically measured in flour and wheat flour (SPROUT
FFN (FUNGAL FALLING NUMBER) measuring mode is used for determination of total
(micro-biological + natural) alpha-amylase enzymes.
Used to prepare the sample mixture in tubes for Falling Number Analysis.
BASTAK Laboratory Sifter 8000
analyzes the homogeneity and the particle size of the flour, and the rates of particles to each other.
BASTAK 3100 Sedimentation
It is used in determining the bread quality and sunn pest destruction of the samples of wheat and flour.
It constitutes desired wheat mixture sedimentation and delayed sedimentation values at the factory
BASTAK Bread Volume Meter 13300
Volume Testing Device is designed for volumetric testing of oblong and round bakery
The device is used in laboratories in the bakery industry for quality inspection of bakery
products as well as for processing control.
The operation of this device is based on the measurement of the volume of millet grains,
whose volume is equal to that of the tested bakery product.
BASTAK Pellet Durability Index Tester
BASTAK introduces to the feed industry its new Four-Compartment Pellet Durability
Tester. It is ideal for the feed mill and manufacturer to determine the amount of fines that
will exist in pellets at feeding time.